
Our Core Values

Our CARE RITE core values are who we are, what we stand for and what we want to become. They are at the very heart and soul of who we are. Behind every decision we make and every direction we journey, our values shape and guide us. These core values are the very essence of our culture. And our culture is something that lives in each and every one of us. Our culture is why we walk someone who is lost to their destination rather than just telling them where to go. Our culture is why we pop fresh popcorn. Our culture is why we treat the whole child and never just the condition. It’s also something we must protect, because it’s through our values and our culture that our foundation is strong and we can continue to build for a better tomorrow.

In the interest of preserving our unique culture, we invite you to recognize a staff member or volunteer for their dedication to our CARE RITE values. To do so, please submit this online form.


Our mission is to give children back their childhood.

We strive to improve the lives of children by providing quality care for orthopedic and related neurodevelopmental and musculoskeletal conditions as well as specific learning disorders. We seek to advance the care of children worldwide through innovative research and teaching programs.



Pictured above are Scottish Rite patients, trustees, medical officers and executives as well as Scottish Rite for Children Foundation executives.

L to R: Assistant Chief of Staff Philip L. Wilson, M.D.; Chief of Staff Daniel J. Sucato, M.D., M.S.; Chief of Staff Emeritus John A. Herring, M.D.; Assistant Chief of Staff and Foundation President Karl E. Rathjen, M.D.; Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees Harold D. Carter; Chairman of the Board of Trustees Lyndon L. Olson, Jr.; Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees M. Douglas Adkins; and President/CEO and Foundation Executive Chairman Robert L. Walker with patients Lola, of Cleburne, and Max, of Fort Worth


Lyndon L. Olson, Jr., Chairman of the Board
M. Douglas Adkins, Vice Chairman
Harold D. Carter, Vice Chairman


James E. Laney, Treasurer
Ronald L. Skaggs, Secretary
Guy F. Stovall, Jr., Assistant Treasurer


Don L. Eames*
James E. Laney
Brian A. Vance*
Ralph Wayne

M. Douglas Adkins
Kim J. Askew
Robert Ayers*
Donny W. Broughton
Russell C. Brown
Harold D. Carter
Ronald L. Carter
Jim Chambers*
P. Oswin Chrisman*

Joseph M. Dealey, Jr.
Robert L. Dillard III*
Patsy Woods Martin
James D. Nyfeler, Sr.
Michael K. Pickens
Ronald L. Skaggs
Jeff W. Smith
Dan W. Turner*
Joe H. Tydlaska
Maj. Gen. James L. Williams
Lawrence A. Winkle *

El Paso
Larry V. Kane*
John E. Wood

Fort Worth
Kenneth C. Curry
Herman M. Motley*
James C. Penn
H. Finlay Watkins

W. Vernon Burke, Jr.
John G. Gunning*
Brack Jones, Jr.

W. Eugene Brookshire
Brady G. Elliott
Guy F. Stovall, Jr.

Stephen F. Cross
Douglas S. Maxey
Adam J. Walker*

San Antonio
Dan F. Davidson
W.M. Gower

Claude O. Ervin
Bert V. Massey, II
Gregory L. McEwen*
Lyndon L. Olson, Jr.
Michael L. Waldrop*

* Advisory Trustee


The Scottish Rite Masons are affiliated with Freemasonry, a worldwide fraternal organization whose members share a common desire to better themselves as citizens and members of society. In the U.S., the Scottish Rite is one of the most popular ways for Master Masons to find great involvement in their fraternity. Others include the York Rite and Shriners.

Scottish Rite for Children is governed by a board of trustees, the majority of whom are Scottish Rite Masons. The organization epitomizes the spirit and principles of Freemasonry, expressing the Masons’ love for their fellow man, compassion for the sick and dedication to make worthwhile contributions to society. Through us, Masons fulfill their commitment to aid, support and protect the family. Financial support from the Scottish Rite or broader Masonic groups is on an individual, voluntary basis. Scottish Rite for Children is not affiliated with the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Take Time to Read, a partnership between Scottish Rite for Children and the Grand Lodge of Texas, is a public awareness program that educates adults about the importance of reading to young children. To order Take Time to Read materials, such as posters, brochures and bookmarks, please download and complete the interactive order form and email the order form to taketimetoread@tsrh.org.

Learn more about Masonry in Texas, the Scottish Rite Masons and Scottish Rite Masonry in Dallas.

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