Bridge Program

Young athletes, especially those returning to their sport following an injury or trying to prevent sports injuries, need specialized training and conditioning for optimized performance and safety. The Bridge Program is designed to improve movement quality with training in areas including strength, power, plyometrics, speed and pivoting. The program is appropriate for athletes who have never been injured and patients transitioning from formal physical therapy after an injury or surgery or have fully recovered. The program is not a substitute for physical or occupational therapy and should be started after therapy is complete.

Our coaches are Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®), and the small group size ensures safety and individualized attention for instruction and progression.
  • Enrollment is $225/month and occurs at the end of each month.
    • Add a sibling for $199 per month.
  • Participants ages 8 to 18 are welcome.
  • Athletes may not have any activity restrictions or medical conditions preventing them from participating.
  • Sessions run one hour and fifteen minutes and are offered
    • Monday – Thursday afternoons
    • Tuesday and Friday mornings
    • Saturday mornings, during the school year
Complete a brief screening questionnaire and sign up for next month’s session or email for more information.
Patient outside with soccer ball

Sports Nutrition

Check out tips and resources for young athletes to stay on top of their game with proper nutrition and hydration for competition and training. Scottish Rite's certified sports dietitian Taylor Morrison, M.S., R.D., CSSD, L.D., has prepared information to help parents and young athletes plan snacks and meals to fuel and recover well.

Learn more on the Sports Nutrition page >>

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