Staff member, Jaclyn Valeriano

Jul 02, 2024 / Spotlight

Get to Know our Staff: Jaclyn Valeriano, Empower

What is your job title/your role at Scottish Rite for Children?
I am a trainer for our electronic health records system, Epic, for the ambulatory care and outpatient staff.

What do you do on a daily basis or what sort of duties do you have at work?
My role at Scottish Rite is to provide new hire Epic ambulatory care training to our outpatient nurses and ancillary staff. Along with new hire training, I create training materials to inform current Epic users of new builds or changes happening within the Epic system. Our training team also helps with the testing of Epic upgrades, working IT Help Desk tickets, maintaining our training environment and other tasks.

What was your first job? What path did you take to get here or what led you to Scottish Rite? 
My first job was as a file room attendant at a doctor's office pulling paper files from a small room. I spent a great portion of my time re-alphabetizing that room before I left. 

My degree is in athletic training. I first started at Scottish Rite as a certified and licensed athletic trainer in our Sports Medicine department about 10 years ago! Admittedly, I was not looking to leave the clinical side, but here I am - and I'm loving it!

What do you enjoy most about Scottish Rite? 
I absolutely love that I have a workplace family. Not everywhere you go has a sense of community, and I feel extremely lucky and appreciative of our workplace environment.

Tell us something about your job that others might not already know?
I would imagine that most people think of me as an Epic trainer. What I think some may not know is that I am only certified to train certain parts within Epic. Each of us on the Empower side are certified in specific areas within Epic. For example, I am certified to train outpatient, but I am not certified to train HIM, Billing or Scheduling.

Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
Guanajuato, Mexico. I learned so much about Mexican history and Mexican independence from visiting Leon, Dolores, Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende.

What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
I love to watch my niece and nephew play in whatever sport(s) they are participating in. When it comes to playing, I absolutely love playing volleyball. I first decided to try volleyball in seventh grade school athletics, and I have not stopped playing since!

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 
Selfishly, I would travel back to 1998. I was young, carefree and saw the world in a different, more innocent light. I would take advantage of the time I had with my grandparents and make more childhood memories with my family and friends.

What’s one fun fact about yourself? 
I asked my family, and they said to tell you all this: I was city champion in eighth grade track for High Jump and the 400-meter dash. Side note - I earned my 400-meter dash, but I won high jump by default because the other girl, who was good at the event, could not compete due to academic ineligibility.


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