Results for "DYSLEXIA"

Research & Education
Scottish Rite for Children is a leader in pediatric orthopedics with outstanding research programs, state-of-the-art laboratories and hands-on training programs...
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Judgment Under Uncertainty During the Evaluation of Children with Suspected Musculoskeletal Infectio
There has been a dramatic increase in musculoskeletal infections (MSI) in children in the last twenty years. Copley recognized this as a problem in North Texas...
Sports Preparticipation Physical Evaluations: Why Are They Important?
Every year, almost 60 million children and adolescents run onto their respective fields, courts and rinks to participate in organized sports in the United State...
How Do I Know If My Patient Has Arthritis or a Related Condition?
Key messages from a presentation by Lorien Nassi, M.D., at Coffee, Kids and Sports Medicine.
An Orthopedic Surgeon's Perspective On Child Obesity
Childhood obesity is a significant public health problem and significantly increases the risk of developing a number of debilitating medical conditions, such as...
Recognizing Adolescent Hip Conditions
Kids of all ages complain frequently of aches and pains around the hip and it is really easy to brush them off. I would be lying if I said that I haven’t done...
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
What is Scoliosis?Scoliosis is a rotation in the spinal column that creates a “C”-shaped single curve or an “S”-shaped double curve, when viewed from behind.