A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, and if your child has experienced one, there are many ways you can support their recovery process. One of the most important ways you can help is by ensuring your child gets plenty of rest. For many years, it was...
Jane S. Chung | M.D.
With Her Knees Back in Sync, Abbee’s Ready to Take It From the Top!
Abbee, age 16 of Denton, isn’t like most kids her age. She attends a unique online school just so that she can devote as much time as possible to her true passion – dancing. She is dedicated, spending more than 40 hours a week practicing her dance, earning an...
Overcoming Gymnast’s Wrist – A Tale of a Gymnast Named Delaney
Delaney, 12 of Lewisville, has been tumbling and flipping her whole life, well almost. Starting around 18 months old, this level 7 gymnast practices 20 hours per week. She is so happy to be back in her normal rhythm after a season of modified training because of a...
Unique Considerations for Female Athletes
These are highlights from a lecture provided as part of, Coffee, Kids and Sports Medicine, a monthly lecture series for medical professionals. Using example cases and detailed visuals, sports medicine physician Jane S. Chung, M.D., discussed the evaluation and...
Spondylolysis: A Common Cause of Back Pain in Young Athletes
Back pain is a common complaint in young athletes. Most often, it is caused by an overuse injury related to repetitive extension-based motions. Muscles may become fatigued and sore, and some may progress to injury to the structures of the spine itself. Stress placed...
Young Athletes and Heel Pain
Skeletally immature athletes, those that are still growing, have unique conditions that occur in the growth centers of the bones. Heel pain in adults is caused by different issues because their growth centers are closed. Sports medicine physician Jacob C. Jones, M.D.,...
Stress Fractures: How Nutrition Plays a Role
Many athletes with injuries seem to have overlapping nutritional concerns. In particular, gymnasts, dancers, soccer players, cross country runners and track & field athletes are being treated for stress fractures. For some, it’s a second or third stress fracture...
Recognizing Athletes With Disordered Eating
A pediatric sports medicine physician and member of the Female and Male Athlete Triad Coalition, Jane S. Chung, M.D., shares the latest in energy availability and the consequences of under fueling for young athletes. Print the PDF Sports can place high demands on...
Wellness in Youth Sports: Tips for Parents and Coaches of Young Athletes
In a medical education series, Jane S. Chung, M.D., and Taylor Morrison, M.S., R.D., CSSD, L.D., informed pediatric health care providers about the role of wellness in recovery and injury prevention. Health care providers are not the only ones to influence young...
Common Injuries in Volleyball: Recognize Them and Reduce the Risks
Sports medicine physician Jane S. Chung, M.D., has a special interest in caring for young female athletes. She worked to let coaches and parents of young volleyball players know about injury risk and prevention in the sport. Download the Volleyball Safety Sheet to...
Body, Mind, Sport: The Role of Wellness in Recovery and Injury Prevention
This is a summary of a presentation made as a part of the 2020 Coffee, Kids and Sports Medicine education series. Watch the full lecture here.Print the PDF Young athletes are under a lot of pressure to perform. No matter where the pressure comes from, a coach, a...
Soaring to New Heights: Growth Spurt in Dancers
In general, females undergo growth spurts earlier in life than males. This means that most girls experience significant growth at a younger age than boys. Julia Buckelew, P.T., D.P.T., says, “According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), peak height velocity...
Sports Medicine and Psychology Experts Work Together – Caring for the Whole Child
Our Sports Medicine team noticed that a commonly used outpatient depression screening questionnaire was identifying more patients than were actually at risk for concerns for suicide. This created an excessive number of alerts to the clinical team to assess patients...
Nutrition Tips for Dancers
Mix it Up With long practices or multiple sessions a day of different intensities, the young dancer should be sure to include a variety of fuel sources, including protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats in meals and snacks. Protein, carbohydrate and fat are all...
Get to Know our Staff: Jane S. Chung, M.D.
Where did you go to college? Medical school? College: University of California, San Diego Medical School: St. George’s School of Medicine What is your role on the sports medicine team? How does your role overlap or differ from an orthopedic surgeon? I am a...
Health and Wellness for Young Athletes: Don’t Skip Routine Visits with the Pediatrician
Our team is just as excited as you are to see youth preparing to return to sports and want to ensure they do so as safely as possible. It is important that young athletes do not skip routine well visits and follow-ups with their pediatrician, particularly during these...
Sports Specialization and Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes
Article originally published in the Pediatric Society of Greater Dallas newsletter. Written by sports medicine physician Jane S. Chung, M.D. Print the PDF The good old days of unstructured child driven “free play” has been largely replaced by the current sports...
Is Your Athlete Getting Enough?
What is enough?Your body needs fuel to grow, learn, and perform. Food provides this fuel. You need to change how much you eat depending on what you are doing. You also must be careful to eat enough of the right foods to fuel your body for growing and to perform in...