Sports Medicine

D CEO: Ask the Expert With Dr. Henry Ellis

D CEO: Ask the Expert With Dr. Henry Ellis

Learn more about the rising rate of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in young athletes, as discussed by Henry B. Ellis, M.D. — pediatric orthopedic surgeon, medical director of clinical research and program director for the Orthopedic Sports Fellowship at...

ACL Injuries and Female Athletes: What You Need to Know

ACL Injuries and Female Athletes: What You Need to Know

At Scottish Rite for Children, our sports medicine team cares for many young athletes with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries every year. With her previous experience as a Division II soccer player, sports physical therapist Nicole Shivley has a passion for...

Protecting Young Athletes’ Hearts For a Stronger Game

Protecting Young Athletes’ Hearts For a Stronger Game

As a nation, we celebrate our loved ones and cardiac health in February. Sports medicine physicians and athletic trainers are especially passionate about the heart health of young athletes. Shane M. Miller M.D., FAAP, sports medicine physician and the Section Director...

Does My Young Athlete Get Enough Calcium?

Does My Young Athlete Get Enough Calcium?

For young athletes, calcium is an important micronutrient essential for bone health, injury prevention and optimal performance. The benefits of physical activity far outweigh any risks, but it’s important to know that high volume or intensity in sports can place added...

Understanding Common Injuries in Youth Hockey

Understanding Common Injuries in Youth Hockey

Ice hockey is becoming an increasingly popular team sport for many young athletes. However, with more participation comes a rise in hockey-related injuries. Physician assistant Cody Todesco, P.A.-C, M.M.S., is dedicated to helping young athletes, beginning with...

When Can I Return to Sports? Concussion Recovery for Athletes

When Can I Return to Sports? Concussion Recovery for Athletes

Over 7 million teens play high school sports in the U.S., and millions more kids play in youth and recreational leagues. Athletics are a great way to make friends, stay active and learn life lessons. However, sports can also lead to dangerous concussions. Just like a...

Back on Beat: Alyson’s Determination to Heal Her Knees

Back on Beat: Alyson’s Determination to Heal Her Knees

Alyson, a 17-year-old of Dallas, TX, has a passion for the fine arts! She has performed in her school’s musical productions, such as “Chicago” and “Mean Girls,” and even sings in the choir. Her most beloved hobby is dancing, but Alyson’s love for dance was threatened...

Can You Sleep With a Concussion? A Common Question, Answered

Can You Sleep With a Concussion? A Common Question, Answered

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, and if your child has experienced one, there are many ways you can support their recovery process. One of the most important ways you can help is by ensuring your child gets plenty of rest. For many years, it was...

Lifetime Sports: Starting Good Habits for Young Athletes

Lifetime Sports: Starting Good Habits for Young Athletes

Assistant Chief of Staff and pediatric orthopedic surgeon Philip L. Wilson, M.D., is dedicated to changing the game for young athletes. Research shows that children who specialize in a sport before the age of 14 are more likely to burn out, quit sports or experience...

Expanding Young Athletes’ Potential Beyond the Court

Expanding Young Athletes’ Potential Beyond the Court

Picture courtesy from the Dallas Mavericks.  Division Director of the Movement Science Laboratory Sophia Ulman, Ph.D. inspires the next generation of athletes to explore the wide range of opportunities in sports beyond the court. The Dallas Mavericks organization...

Jammed Finger? Early Treatment Can Improve Outcomes

Jammed Finger? Early Treatment Can Improve Outcomes

When an injury occurs to a young athlete’s bones, ligaments and muscles in their hand, an evaluation is needed. A properly treated hand injury will most likely heal without complications. In basketball and volleyball, fingers are at an increased risk of injury due to...

Miles of Motivation: Alice Races Ahead of AMPS

Miles of Motivation: Alice Races Ahead of AMPS

12-year-old Alice is racing towards her dreams, confidently managing each day and creating her own path! With a passion for running, she participates in cross country for her school and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). After securing fifth place in AAU’s 5K, Alice...

Emily Claire’s Transformation: A Pain-Free Knee and a New Life Path

Emily Claire’s Transformation: A Pain-Free Knee and a New Life Path

Cover story previously published in Rite Up, 2024 – Issue 3. by Kristi Shewmaker Emily Claire, of Plano, spends most of her time raising two pigs — Dolly and Kenny, named after Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. Like the country legends, Dolly and Kenny are not related....

How to Help Your Kids Prevent Football Injuries

How to Help Your Kids Prevent Football Injuries

Even as awareness of concussions and other problems has grown, football remains the most popular sport for adolescent boys. While participation has dropped, Texas still has the most high school football players of any state – totaling more than 170,000. That’s almost...