Nonoperative Treatment for Scoliosis

Children with a mild curve, less than 25 degrees, are typically monitored at regular doctor visits to be sure the curve does not get worse. In young children, mild curves of the spine have the potential to become worse as the child grows and develops. In older teens who have reached their mature height, mild curves may not be a problem.
Once an abnormal spinal curve has been detected, it’s important to monitor it closely as the patient grows. Monitoring is particularly important during growth spurts, which typically take place in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and in boys between the ages of 12 and 16.

In many cases, observation and monitoring may be the only treatment needed. The child’s physician will determine the appropriate treatment plan and follow-up based on X-rays and physical exams.



In certain cases of scoliosis, surgery can sometimes be avoided with the use of an orthotic brace. Braces are highly effective in treating scoliosis, if they are worn properly and according to the doctor’s guidelines. A scoliosis brace is custom-made for your child and is designed to hold the back as straight as possible, while a child is growing. Wearing a brace will not correct an existing curve, but it helps to keep a curve from increasing in size. 

At Scottish Rite, all scoliosis braces are made on-site in our Orthotics & Prosthetics lab. This allows us to make same-day adjustments for fit or comfort.
Each scoliosis brace that we make includes two dime-sized temperature sensors that track wear time. One is for our record keeping and can be tracked with each visit. The other is a Bluetooth sensor that can be connected to the parent and patient’s cell phone app. Created by Scottish Rite for Children experts, the Brace Rite app uses real-time data, allowing parents, patients and your doctor to monitor wear time to ensure your child stays on track.

Learn more about bracing.


Casting is a form of treatment for scoliosis and is used to prevent the curve from getting larger, when children are young and growing rapidly. This method is most often used when a curve progression cannot be controlled with a brace.

A scoliosis cast is applied in the operating room while your child is under general anesthesia and is generally changed every two to three months, for up to one year.  

Learn more about casting.


While scoliosis cannot be prevented, certain physical therapy techniques can be used to treat the condition and may prevent further progression. Scottish Rite has physical therapists that are trained and certified in the Schroth Method, a scoliosis-specific exercise approach. The Schroth Method focuses on correction of the curve pattern through a combination of stretching, strengthening, and breathing in reverse directions, all based on each patient’s unique spinal curve. Using the Schroth Method can stop the progression of the curve, improve mobility and promote proper posture.

Learn more about physical therapy treatment for scoliosis. 
Patient in Physical Therapy