Scottish Rite Hospital Celebrates the Graduation of the 2016-2017 Fellows

Scottish Rite Hospital Celebrates the Graduation of the 2016-2017 Fellows

Scottish Rite Hospital is world-renowned for its dedication to training the pediatric orthopedic surgeons of the future. For almost 40 years, our fellowship program has instilled clinical expertise, compassionate care and leading edge research into each trainee in order to provide the best care possible to every child. The Dorothy & Bryant Edwards Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopedics and Scoliosis provides an extraordinary opportunity and the hospital takes pride in developing these trainees to become leaders at institutions across the world.

Each year, fellows are able to train with the most experienced pediatric orthopedic staff in the country. The fellowship provides a large volume of surgical procedures from the straightforward to the complex. The outpatient setting provides for excellent training as the fellows learn to make a diagnosis, develop a game plan and make decisions on the best course of treatment for each child. The fellows are side-by-side with the attending staff in the outpatient and inpatient settings and in the operating rooms. In addition, the hospital’s commitment to research gives the trainees the opportunity to work on a project of their choice, which gets published in the most important orthopedic journals. Through the quality research, fellows are at the forefront of understanding, managing and finding new treatments for these complex conditions.

This past weekend, the orthopedic staff celebrated the graduation of the hospital’s five fellows. This group has been at the hospital since August 2016 and now is prepared for the next step in their medical career. Scottish Rite Hospital’s Chief of Staff, Daniel J. Sucato, M.D., M.S., is impressed and excited for these fellows’ futures. “These five fellows are intelligent, very talented and it has been a privilege to train them this year,” says Sucato. “They are joining more than 175 fellows who have been through this fellowship program and I wish each of them the best of luck as they begin the next chapter in their career. We have trained them the Scottish Rite Hospital way and we look forward to watching their careers develop, as they take great care of children in their practices. ”

The five graduating fellows and their future plans:
· Andrew Tice, M.D.: McGill University, Montreal, Canada (Orthopedic Scoliosis and Spine Fellowship). Then he will be at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario – Ottawa, Ontario
· Philip Ashley, M.D.: Children’s Hospital of Alabama – Birmingham, Alabama
· Stephan Zmugg, M.D.: Hospital for Special Surgery – New York City, New York (2nd fellowship)
· Daniel Bouton, M.D.: Portland Shriners Hospital – Portland, Oregon
· John Vorhies, M.D.: Stanford Medical Center – Stanford, California

The experience at Scottish Rite Hospital is one of a kind. It provides the opportunity to treat the entire patient and to learn from the best in the field. The hospital is proud of the fellows and the work they have contributed over the past year. The fellowship program allows Scottish Rite Hospital to evolve and grow as our staff continues to train the next generation.

Scottish Rite Hospital Staff Return from Spain with Two Major Awards

Scottish Rite Hospital Staff Return from Spain with Two Major Awards

Last week, our medical staff and researchers attended the 2017 EPOSNA conference in Barcelona, Spain. This inaugural meeting combined two established pediatric orthopedic societies, POSNA (Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America) and EPOS (European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society) to foster education and research on a global scale.

Scottish Rite Hospital had a tremendous showing with presentations throughout the four-day meeting. The hospital returned from Spain with two of the three major awards given at the meeting – Best Quality, Safety, Value Initiative (QSVI) presentation and Best Basic Science Research podium presentation. Staff Orthopedist, Amy L. McIntosh, M.D., and Director of Performance Improvement, Kerry Wilder, received the QSVI award on their work in quality improvement regarding reductions in surgical site infections (SSI) in patients undergoing spine surgery. This is a great accomplishment as this is the first quality improvement award the hospital has won at an international meeting. Staff orthopedist, Lawson A.B Copley, M.D., received the award for Best Basic Science Paper for his research work on acute hematogeonous osteomyelitis (AHO), which is a bone infection that is most commonly caused by bacteria called, Staphylococcus aureus. Copley and his team conducted a thorough analysis of bacterial virulence genes (genes responsible for causing infection) isolated from children with osteomyelitis to determine which ones were associated with a severe illness.

The 2017 EPOSNA combined meeting provided a great opportunity for our staff to learn and present their work to fellow medical professionals from around the world. Research and education continues to be at the forefront to help answer the challenging questions we face and is critical in carrying out the hospital’s mission to ultimately provide the very best care to our patients and children everywhere.

Scottish Rite Hospital Doctors Attend the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting

Scottish Rite Hospital Doctors Attend the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting

Last week, several doctors from Scottish Rite Hospital attended the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual meeting in San Diego, California. AAOS was founded in 1933 and has grown to be the world’s largest medical association, serving more than 39,000 members worldwide. This association provides practice management and education for orthopedic surgeons and allied health professionals.

The five-day conference included exhibits, presentations and instructional courses covering a full range of topics in orthopedics. Our staff made presentations on various research areas including hip dysplasiasports medicinemusculoskeletal infection, fractures, Perthes Disease, and scoliosis. It was a great opportunity for the doctors to showcase their work and collaborate with medical professionals from around the world.

On the final day of AAOS, the meeting concluded with Specialty Day. This includes sixteen Specialty Societies that feature the latest research in their areas of expertise. Members of each society are selected to present on a topic associated with their specialty. Director of Research, Harry Kim, M.D., and staff orthopedists, Christine Ho, M.D., and Lawson A.B. Copley, M.D. each made presentations on topics regarding pediatric orthopedics. This section of the meeting allows members to be a part of a concentrated program to expand their discussions and highlight their expertise.

Scottish Rite Hospital has consistently had a strong presence at AAOS each year. It is an honor that our doctors are members of this established group and are selected to present their research on an international stage. The Academy allows our staff to learn and grow as surgeons to ultimately bring better care to our patients.

Scottish Rite Hospital Hosts Inaugural Genomics Conference

Scottish Rite Hospital Hosts Inaugural Genomics Conference

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children is hosting an inaugural international conference titled, “Genomic Approaches to Understanding and Treating Scoliosis.” The three-day meeting unites two distinct groups who are dedicated to scoliosis genetics research, the International Consortium for Vertebral Anomalies and Scoliosis (ICVAS) and the International Consortium for Scoliosis Genetics (ICSG).

A primary goal of the conference is to promote interdisciplinary research to solve the underlying basis of scoliosis, a complex and poorly understood disorder that is common in children. The conference has attracted basic science researchers and clinicians at the faculty level, as well as fellows, graduate students, and other trainees who are focused on scoliosis and genomics. Funding for the meeting is provided by grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health, the Scoliosis Research Society, Fondation Yves Cotrel, and the Globus, Medtronic, and Nuvasive companies.

The conference includes paper presentations from various attendees and lectures from seven international keynote speakers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia. These presenters represent distinct specialties including developmental biology, orthopedic surgery, clinical genetics, and human genetics. The topics will provide the audience with a diverse and insightful program. Carol Wise, Ph.D., Director of Molecular Genetics and Basic Research at Scottish Rite Hospital, is an organizer of the conference. She views this meeting as an exciting opportunity to encourage collaborations and to bring new ideas to the treatment of the various complex forms of scoliosis. “It is a privilege to host specialists in scoliosis and scoliosis genetics from around the world here at the hospital,” says Wise. “This conference will generate a roadmap for collaborative research that will create future scientific breakthroughs. Importantly, this meeting also provides a forum for mentoring the next generation of researchers in the field.”

Continuing education for professionals and trainees is a cornerstone of the Scottish Rite Hospital mission. It is an honor to host this and other conferences to promote groundbreaking research and better care for our patients.

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children: Patient Care, Education & Research

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children: Patient Care, Education & Research

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children opened its doors in 1921 and over the last 95 years it has become one of the top pediatric orthopedic hospitals in the country. At the core of our mission are three main pillars: patient care, research and education. The outstanding patient care provided at the hospital is shown each and every day through the interactions our medical staff has with all of our patients and families. The research conducted is designed to treat the entire child and his/her specific needs. The hospital is the training ground for the next generation of world-class pediatric orthopedic physicians through the fellowship program. It is the superior patient care, the groundbreaking research and education of physicians that makes Scottish Rite Hospital such a special place.

Scottish Rite Hospital is a unique institution because of its many resources when it comes to innovation and research. The success of the hospital and its top-of-the-line patient care is closely tied to the collaborative relationship with UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW). All of our medical staff hold faculty appointments in various departments at UTSW, including Orthopedic Surgery and Pediatrics. It is a strong, working relationship in which Scottish Rite Hospital has become one of the top research institutions in pediatric orthopedics. The research at Scottish Rite Hospital is regulated by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at UTSW, which serves as the governing body for over 100 of our clinical research studies. Additionally, Scottish Rite Hospital welcomes several UTSW orthopedic residents to complete pediatric rotations throughout the year. These residents work closely with our medical staff and research department to gain experience both hands-on in clinic and surgery, as well as with various research studies.

Scottish Rite Hospital is internationally known as a premier research and teaching hospital. Since research is at the forefront of providing the best patient care, it is necessary to have an environment where learning is ongoing and teaching is an everyday practice. The hospital provides several areas for medical staff, fellows, residents and all other staff to continue their education through weekly/monthly conferences, symposiums, visiting professorships and much more. An extraordinary aspect of Scottish Rite Hospital is the Dorothy and Bryant Edwards Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopedics and Scoliosis.

This program provides the fellows an opportunity to work with some of the most experienced pediatric orthopedic staff in the country. The yearlong fellowship includes becoming a member of the patient care team, high-level surgical experience and the opportunity to work closely with the research team on a topic of their choice. Even through the fellowship, research is at the core of the curriculum. The fellows are required to complete at least one scientific manuscript at Scottish Rite Hospital and will have the opportunity to present their work at the annual Brandon Carrell Visiting Professorship. This conference, hosted by the hospital, is an annual course designed for pediatric orthopedic surgeons and others with an interest in pediatric orthopedic practices to keep up to date on the latest in groundbreaking research. The hospital welcomes a visiting professor each year, along with other medical professionals, who will present on their current research projects. It is another opportunity for our medical staff to discuss and debate various techniques, which facilitates ongoing education for all.

Fellowship Programs:

  • Dorothy and Bryant Edwards Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopedics and Scoliosis
  • John and Ellen McStay International Fellowship
  • John S. Appleton Fellowship in Spine Research
  • Ray Lawson, M.D., International Pediatric Spine Research Fellowship
  • C. and Eleanor M. Garison Fellowship in Hand and Upper Limb Treatment

It is through our strong relationship with UT Southwestern Medical Center, accompanied by the continuous learning environment, which has established Scottish Rite Hospital as a leading research institution for pediatric orthopedics. Research continues to be the engine that drives important clinical decision-making to improve the care by finding new and better techniques to treat our patients.

Scottish Rite Hospital Is at the Center of Innovation

Scottish Rite Hospital Is at the Center of Innovation

At Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, our mission is to discover new and innovative ways to best care for children affected with orthopedic and certain related neurological conditions. We opened our doors in 1921, and since then, our doctors and researchers have been seeking ways to provide the best quality care for our patients.

Our Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Center for Musculoskeletal Research consists of six Centers for Excellence. You may be wondering….What exactly is a Center for Excellence? The main objective of these centers is to support our holistic approach to treatment by bringing clinicians, researchers and other health care professionals together to collaborate on relevant research for challenging pediatric disorders.

Our Centers for Excellence:

  • Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay/Martha and Pat Beard Center for Excellence in Spine Research
  • Center for Excellence in Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction
  • Charles E. Seay, Jr. Hand Center
  • Center for Excellence in Clubfoot Research
  • Center for Excellence in Hip Disorders
  • Center for Excellence in Sports Medicine

Over the course of the rest of this year, we will unveil videos and information highlighting each of these six Centers for Excellence. Here you will find an overview video.

We hope your enjoy and stay tuned for more updates!