Falco Spotlight

Jul 31, 2023 / Spotlight

Meet Falco - Our Frisco Facility Dog

What is your role at Scottish Rite for Children?
I am a facility dog in the Day Surgery Center at the Frisco campus.  
Tell us about yourself:
My name is Falco, and I am a Black retriever. I’m named after SuperSmashBrosTM characters from Nintendo®. I have 10 siblings, and I am the biggest! My dad’s name is Mario, and he is a chocolate labradoodle. My mom’s name is Ruby, and she is golden retriever. Growing up, I played with my brother Link and my sister Zelda.

What’s something—big or small—that you’re really good at?
I really like to put my front two paws on the beds of my patients to support them as they get ready for surgery. I lay my head on their laps and cuddle close.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love napping and playing with my brother Cooper at home. Cooper is a yellow Labrador retriever, and he waits for me at the front door until I get home from work. We play and wrestle until we are tired and then nap together.
Where do you spend most of your time during the day? 
I get to spend most of my day in the Day Surgery Center. I support my patients while they get ready for surgery and then I check in on them when they wake up in the recovery room.
What brought you to Scottish Rite?
I was born and raised by a nonprofit organization called Canine Assistants in Milton, Georgia. My handlers Marissa and Katie were interviewed about how a facility dog would be used at Scottish Rite. That’s when Canine Assistants thought I would be the perfect pup for Scottish Rite, and they matched us together!

What is your daily routine? 
5 a.m. – I wake up, stretch and let out a big yawn. I go to the backyard with my brother and then it’s off to work!!
6 a.m. – Once we arrive, we walk over to the preoperative area and meet patients! I like to lay across their bed and give morning cuddles. This is my way of telling patients they will do great today. I also greet the patient’s parents and sometimes end up laying on their foot or leg to use as my pillow. I stay with patients as the nurse and my child life specialist handler prepares patients for the surgery process, so they know what expect. 

8:30 a.m. – Its breakfast time! I go back to the office and enjoy my breakfast and a morning nap before seeing more patients! My favorite place to sleep is under the desk, it’s my dog cave! 

9:30 a.m. – I spend most of my morning helping patients feel comfortable with the surgery process. Most of the patients I meet have never had a surgery, so I spend time showing them how different medical supplies are used. This helps patients normalize to medical equipment type things and feel safe as my coworkers take care of them.

11 a.m. – Once a week, a groomer comes to Scottish Rite to give me a bath. It is important that I get a weekly bath, so I can stay clean for all the patients I see.

Noon – Nap time is the best time! While my coworkers eat lunch, I take a nap. It is important that I have time to rest, so I can have plenty of energy to see my afternoon patients.
12:30 p.m. – After nap time, I play “keep away” with my toys in the hallway. I act like I’m going to let my mom and aunt get my toy, but then I run off!
1 p.m. – I’m ready to visit my patients as they wake up from surgery. I like to lean my head on their bed and get sweet pets. Some kids wake up a little confused from the sleepy medicine, but when they feel my head, and say “oh it’s Falco,” they know where they are and wake up calmer. I like spending my afternoon in the recovery area, the lights are dim, it’s quiet and sometimes I demonstrate eating ice chips to patients.
2:30 p.m. – At the end of my work day, I need another nap. I get to take off my service vest since I’m headed home! I like to sleep on the car ride home and sometimes I snore!
3 p.m. – Once I’m home, I’m ready to play with my brother Cooper! We play inside and then nap, then outside play and then nap. It’s a pretty great way to unwind from the day!
6 p.m. – I’m hungry again and get to eat dinner.
6:30 a.m. - I may only be 15 months old, but I enjoy my rest time. I sleep while my family watches TV or works on projects around the house.
9 p.m. – Since I wake up really early, I like to lay down in my bed for the night at this time. It was such a long day with my patients, and I am ready to dream about snacks. 

Be sure to follow @pawsitivecopingpack on Instagram to stay connected with Falco & Margo!


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