Dec 05, 2017 / General News
Physical Therapy: Helping Patients Make a Full Recovery
At Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, our doctors, nurses and therapists provide the best possible care throughout each stage of treatment. The hospital’s physical therapy department is committed to helping a child improve their movement and function so they can make a full recovery. We received a behind-the-scenes look of the department to learn more about the great work of our trained physical therapists and the services they provide our patients.
What are the various services the PT department provides our patients?
What are the various services the PT department provides our patients?
- Individualized therapy plan
- Provides patient education regarding exercises and stretches specific to the patient’s needs.
- Teaches patients how to do various activities in a safe way depending on their condition.
- Physical therapists work with these patients to make sure the prosthesis fits and aligns properly for the patient.
- Teach patients how to move and use the prosthesis.
- Work with patients who have changes to their prosthetic or orthotic.
- Introducing a controlled fall: working with patients on getting up from a fall independently and safely.
- Strengthening patients’ function after surgery.
- Implements a plan of care for each patient depending on their condition or injury.
- Teaches correct way to use crutches and a wheelchair.
- Educates patient and family about therapy once discharged from the hospital.
- Clubfoot treatment – stretches the foot to place in correct position.
- Process of taping for clubfoot treatment:
- Tape is used to position the foot in the correct position.
- Splint is then molded to fit the foot to keep in the correct position for treatment.
- Casting:
- Treatment for patients who walk on their toes.
- Treatment for correcting clubfoot.