Our pediatric sports medicine team is committed to making sure young athletes have the right care in the right place at the right time. In order for that to happen, we invite the community to educational events throughout the year. For example, we offer splinting workshops in physician offices led by our Fracture Clinic team, athletic trainer education at local high schools, and coaches and parent meetings for sports organizations.
We recently held our second annual Sports Medicine for Young Athletes: An Update for Pediatric Providers event in Frisco. More than 80 providers in the community joined us for a day of pediatric sports medicine topics.
We were pleased to have Benjamin D. Levine, M.D., faculty at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He has done extensive research and training in the area of cardiovascular health for young athletes, and he has a particular interest in evaluating the use of the echocardiogram (ECG) for pre-participation screening for young athletes.
We know that many parents look to their pediatrician for advice when it comes to the health and safety of their young athletes. We are committed to keeping the most current information in pediatric sports medicine available to local providers through events like this and we plan to continue annually.
For information about injury prevention and pediatric sports medicine, please visit our Sports Medicine page.