Get To Know Our Staff: Timothy Nuckols, Therapy Services
What is your job title/your role at Scottish Rite?
I supervise therapy technicians, assist physical therapists with daily exercises selected for their patients and help ensure that patients are using proper technique in therapy.
What is the most fulfilling part of your job?
I enjoy hanging out with the many cool and amazing patients that we have and hearing their life stories.
What makes Scottish Rite a special place to you?
When you walk around town in your Scottish Rite t-shirt, people immediately stop you to show gratitude and compassion for what we do for the pediatric community. I also appreciate the amazing staff and love the kids we see.
What made you choose a career in health care?
I was inspired by my dad, who is a psychiatric physical therapist at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.
What is something unique you get to do in your position?
I create challenges for the kids so that they can do different exercises. It becomes a competition to see who can win!
What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I like to hang out with my girlfriend and family. I also like to play soccer, work on cars and watch the Kansas City Chiefs win their games.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can drift a car on a racetrack.
Where are you from and what brought you to DFW?
My family is originally from Missouri, but then we moved to Frisco.
If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I want to visit Tokyo! It is a modern city that has a lot to offer and is a completely different culture. I love learning new things, so it would be a lot of fun!
If you had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
It would have to be lasagna. It has been my favorite meal to eat since I was a kid, and no other food gets more joy out of me than eating lasagna.
What movie do you think everyone should watch at least once?
What was the first concert you attended?
I saw Beyonce.
Favorite DFW hidden gem?
Egg Roll Hut in South Dallas.
If you were to have a movie based on your life, which actress/actor would you choose to play your character?
Will Smith.
What is some advice you would give your younger self OR what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
I would tell my younger self to invest in cryptocurrency early. I would also say to keep striving for the large things in life early, take the opportunities when they are in front of you and don’t wait.