What is your role at the hospital?Â
I am a researcher for the Rheumatology department. I specifically work on the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) registry. The CARRA registry seeks to understand the epidemiology, outcomes, etiology and biology of pediatric rheumatic diseases such as systemic supus erythematosus, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile dermatomyositis.
What do you enjoy most about Scottish Rite Hospital?
I enjoy hearing about the success stories that have happened since the inception of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. I take pride in working at a hospital that gives the best care to its patients, with or without their ability to pay. I believe that every child should have the best childhood regardless of the medical diagnosis. And being part of the Scottish Rite Hospital team definitely helps make this a reality for our young patients! Â
What was your first job? What path did you take to get here? How long have you worked here?
My first job was tutoring kids while I was in high school and college. Teaching has always been a passion of mine. The moment that I am able to help a student understand a concept is the most rewarding for me. This translates to my job today at the hospital. As a researcher, I am helping kids and families affected with rheumatoid diseases by collecting their outcomes to prescribed medications and correlate with their disease activity so we can one day find a cure. I have worked here for almost three months, and I have enjoyed every moment!
What are you currently watching on Netflix?
I am currently re-watching episodes of New Girl. The cast has a great chemistry and I’m always up for a good laugh.
Who would you most like to swap places with for a day?
If I were to swap places for a day, it would be probably with anyone from the TV show Friends. I love each of the characters and it would be kind of fun to hang out at a coffee shop all day.
What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?
I have lived most of my life in California. Not only is it my hometown, but also the home of Walt Disney Studios. My sister and I had Disneyland passes while we were in college and I would go almost monthly with a different group of friends. My favorite thing was to watch the show World of Color during the winter months, while drinking hot chocolate and eating their amazing churros. If you haven’t been yet, you must check it out. That combination is amazing for the California winter months.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?Â
I love to get a good workout in and spend time with my husband, family and friends. My husband and I also love traveling together. Our next destination is Spain in May 2020 and we absolutely cannot wait. I also am a certified BollyX instructor, which is a HIIT workout.Â
Micaela’s Road to Confidence Through Expert Care
Micaela, of Northlake, Texas, is described by her family as the \"ultimate girly girl.\" She can often be seen arriving to her appointments at Scottish Rite for Children wearing pink or purple…