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Sep 05, 2019 / Sports Medicine

Risks Associated with Knee Surgery in Children and Adolescents

At Scottish Rite Hospital, patient safety is important to us. Our team often collaborates with outside institutions to advance the care for a particular condition or injury. The hospital’s sports medicine experts are working with other centers to evaluate the complications associated with common arthroscopic procedures. The first of these we have summarized is the results of approximately 10,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions by pediatric orthopedic surgeons.

In the video above, you’ll learn that 1 in every 10 patients will reinjure the SAME leg, and 1 in every 10 patients will reinjure the OPPOSITE leg. It is important that our patients are aware of the risks of a procedure before they make a decision about surgery.

Pediatric orthopedic surgeon Henry B. Ellis, M.D., is actively involved with this particular collaborative project. “To be a part of reducing risks, we have to fully understand the risks,” says Ellis. “That’s why we participate in multicenter projects like Sports Cohort Outcomes REgistry (SCORE). I’m excited about the potential for this project and look forward to sharing more information soon.”

Learn more about the hospital’s sports medicine research. 

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