D CEO: Ask the Expert With Dr. Henry Ellis

D CEO: Ask the Expert With Dr. Henry Ellis

Learn more about the rising rate of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in young athletes, as discussed by Henry B. Ellis, M.D.pediatric orthopedic surgeon, medical director of clinical research and program director for the Orthopedic Sports Fellowship at Scottish Rite for Children.

Why is there an ACL epidemic?

ACL injuries in young athletes have surged during the past 15 years. Research shows female athletes are six times more likely to experience an ACL tear. Any young athlete playing a pivoting sport is at risk for a knee injury. However, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and football have particularly high rates in North Texas. Although there are several contributing factors, the most significant is that our kids have too many organized activities, such as year-round schedules and intense trainings and practices.

How can we stop it?

In a recent Scottish Rite for Children parent survey, we learned 82% of parents were not aware of ACL injury prevention programs. We are dedicated to injury prevention and have discovered most ACL injuries are preventable if the muscles of the central and lower body are strong and well-coordinated. We also offer movement pattern screening along with performance and prevention training. Most importantly, parents should advocate to have coaches and others involved in their kids’ sports programs trained in injury prevention techniques and strategies.

Is it really the turf?

We’re not certain, but signs point to yes. Some studies highlight an increase of injuries on synthetic grass, but sufficient research has not been conducted to explain why natural grass is better. This may be a real concern for female athletes playing on turf since they are already at a higher risk for ACL injuries. Future studies will most likely show the quality or type of turf could play a significant role in injuries.

Why are female athletes at a higher risk of injury?

Risk factors exist for female athletes that may not be within their control. Scottish Rite is researching the changes in ligament laxity related to hormonal changes during menstrual cycles. These changes might lead to increased joint instability and raise the risk for injury.

Are there any developing treatment options?

Yes, we have developed and published a specialized ACL surgical technique for growing athletes that involves stabilizing the athlete’s knee to get them back to sports while limiting any risk to their growth plate. Not all kids need ACL surgery. However, when an ACL injury is suspected, parents and athletes should review the risk and benefits of surgical treatment with a sports medicine expert.

What advice would you give to parents of young athletes?

It’s important to prioritize kids playing for fun first, and then playing to win. Don’t forget about taking an offseason for every sport. Young athletes’ bodies need a rest during growth and especially during a growth spurt. Repetitive movement while practicing can cause the body and growth plates to wear out, so balance practice with strength training. A 70/30 plan is ideal for young athletes. That means 70% of time at practice and 30% of time strength training. Facilitate, encourage, or ask about an injury prevention program for your young athlete. ACL injury prevention programs exist and work.


Published by D CEO. 

Get to Know Our Staff: Nicole Shively, Physical Therapy

Get to Know Our Staff: Nicole Shively, Physical Therapy

What is your job title at Scottish Rite?
I am a sports physical therapist.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?
It is fulfilling to help kids find joy through the rehabilitation process. I enjoy helping them implement a good work ethic that they can apply inside and outside of physical therapy (PT).

What makes Scottish Rite a special place to you?
The environment at Scottish Rite is unmatched, because every employee holds themselves to a high standard. My colleagues and I are not only trying to grow ourselves but also the PT profession.

What made you choose a career in health care?
When I was a young athlete, I was sidelined for so many injuries. Rehabilitation had such a positive and lasting impact on my life that I decided to pursue it.

What is something unique you get to do in your position?
I get to embrace my playful side and make PT sessions fun for the kids. Playing sports with the young athletes also makes me feel like a kid again. 

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I like to watch sports. I also like to spend time with my family, especially my nieces and my dog, Boston.

Where are you from and what brought you to D-FW?
I am originally from Upstate New York. I came to D-FW for the warmer weather and to be closer to my family.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I would travel to Banff National Park in Canada to go on a hike in the mountains, be by a lake and do all the outdoor activities.

If you had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would eat brisket tacos with chips and guacamole on the side.

What movie do you think everyone should watch at least once?
“The Sandlot.”

What was the first concert you attended?
I saw the Jonas Brothers when I was in 8th grade.

Favorite DFW hidden gem?
Jimmy’s Food Store in Dallas.

If you were to have a movie based on your life, which actress/actor would you choose to play your character?
Jennifer Lawrence.

What is some advice you would give your younger self OR what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Care less about what other people think, and be confident in yourself.

ACL Injuries and Female Athletes: What You Need to Know

ACL Injuries and Female Athletes: What You Need to Know

At Scottish Rite for Children, our sports medicine team cares for many young athletes with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries every year. With her previous experience as a Division II soccer player, sports physical therapist Nicole Shivley has a passion for finding ways to prevent injuries in female soccer players.

Keep reading to learn why ACL injuries occur more often in female soccer players and what they can do about it.

How do ACL injuries occur in soccer players?

Most ACL injuries in soccer are related to contact injuries. However, some are non-contact related and can occur from a sudden change of direction.  For the most part, these non-contact injuries can be prevented. When a young athlete suddenly changes direction to evade an opponent or to avoid a play, their foot plants forcefully and abruptly. The subsequent “push off,” typically with a turn, puts a significant amount of stress on the ACL. This happens when the athlete’s body turns, but their knee or foot does not. Higher levels of aggressiveness, competition and speed only add to an athlete’s risk of injuries.

Why do young female athletes have a higher rate of ACL injuries in soccer than male athletes?

While the answer is still unknown, it is likely that a complex combination of factors causes ACL injuries in women, such as anatomy and movement patterns that are unique to young female athletes.

A specific posture, called genu valgum or knocked knees, is often found in adolescent girls. This posture may be due to the way the athlete’s bones have grown. Experts find that this is from poor movement pattern, which results from muscle weakness and poor control of the hips and legs. The position puts more stress on the ACL, particularly with activities like soccer.

Additionally, girls tend to have more strength in the muscles on the front of their thighs, the quadriceps (quads), than the muscles on the back side (hamstrings). This is referred to as “quad dominance,” and this imbalance directly affects how the knee functions during deceleration and changes in direction.

Lastly, hormonal changes across a young female athlete’s monthly menstrual cycle affects joint mobility and stability. ACL injuries can be caused from these fluctuations, contributing to certain weeks having higher or lower risk of injury throughout the month.

Is there any way to prevent an ACL injury in soccer?

Young female athletes can reduce their risk of experiencing an ACL injury by addressing certain areas in their body with exercise. These ways include:

  • Strength training of the correct hip and knee muscles.
  • Improving mechanics at the hip and knee during all movements.
  • Correcting dynamic movement patterns, such as sprinting, decelerating and quick changes.

How do young athletes get started with strength and conditioning?

  • Teams may have programs set up. Check with your athletic trainer or coach.
  • Look for a local gym or program, such as our athlete development program, with appropriate supervision and guidance available for young athletes.

Here are some things to look for in any strength and conditioning program:

  • Certified strength and conditioning (CSCS, ACE, etc.)
  • Age and developmentally appropriate programming.

Young female athletes can also protect their bodies by ensuring they are taking care of themselves outside of their sport. These ways include:

  • Rest when your body says it needs it.
  • Respond to aches and pains. Early recognition and response can limit time on the bench.
  • Integrate strength training in your weekly schedule.
  • Eat enough to keep up with your energy expenditure.

Strength and condition programs provide young female athletes with guidance on how to build a healthy body. Learn more about athlete development Scottish Rite for Children.

Protecting Young Athletes’ Hearts For a Stronger Game

Protecting Young Athletes’ Hearts For a Stronger Game

As a nation, we celebrate our loved ones and cardiac health in February. Sports medicine physicians and athletic trainers are especially passionate about the heart health of young athletes. Shane M. Miller M.D., FAAP, sports medicine physician and the Section Director of Medical Sports Medicine at Scottish Rite for Children, shares key insights to keep young athletes in top shape.

“A well-rounded view of an athlete’s heart health and safety includes parents, administrators and coaches being aware of the signs and symptoms of cardiac emergencies,” says Dr. Miller. “Being prepared with a clear plan can significantly reduce the risk of catastrophic events.”

To protect a young athlete’s heart health, Dr. Miller shares key steps for families to create a plan.

REPORT signs, symptoms and any history of cardiac problems in young athletes at each preparticipation evaluation and when new problems develop. Some examples are chest pain, shortness of breath and passing out.

ASK your family members about a history of cardiac problems or sudden death in the family. Knowing your family’s medical history is a critical step to prevent sudden cardiac death in healthy young athletes.

PREPARE by learning the emergency plan for schools and sports venues. Know where to find the closest AED (automatic external defibrillator) and be sure it is accessible to all event participants, every time. We encourage anyone to seek CPR training and certification to be more knowledgeable and better prepared.

Dr. Miller advises parents to take athletes to their pediatrician for preparticipation evaluations. Although some schools and organizations do not require a release, seasonal checkups and discussions with the doctor can help to prevent many problems and address injuries before they become more serious. One in 300 youth has an undetected heart condition, and up to 72% percent of youth sudden cardiac arrest victims had at least one warning sign that was not recognized, according to Parent Heart Watch.

“Athletic trainers and youth sport coaches are the first line of defense in a crisis,” Dr. Miller says. “Readiness can save lives when seconds matter, and advocating for young athletes’ health ensures they have the support and protection they need to thrive on and off the field.

Having an emergency action plan can help parents, coaches and athletes respond to injuries in a timely manner. An emergency action plan is a comprehensive detailed written plan that prepares for medical, environmental and security emergencies. It is developed and coordinated with local EMS, venue officials, medical personnel and organization administrators. 

Learn more about the importance of an emergency action plan.

Does My Young Athlete Get Enough Calcium?

Does My Young Athlete Get Enough Calcium?

For young athletes, calcium is an important micronutrient essential for bone health, injury prevention and optimal performance. The benefits of physical activity far outweigh any risks, but it’s important to know that high volume or intensity in sports can place added stress on a growing athlete’s bones. Maintaining proper nutrition can help prevent bone stress injuries and promote strong bone development.

Sports medicine physician Jane S. Chung, M.D., understands that a child’s pre-teen and teenage years are a critical time period for building a strong foundation for their bones. “I see many young athletes, especially girls, who have a history of overuse-related bone stress injuries,” Dr. Chung says. “These injuries include stress fractures, often related to underfueling. A way to avoid this is by making sure young athletes receive the recommended amount of daily calcium.”

Read the following from Dr. Chung about incorporating calcium into a regular diet, as well as advice on when to consider supplements.

Daily Calcium Guide for Strong Bones

There are many ways for young athletes to meet their daily calcium needs, with food being the best source. If necessary, taking supplements can help them reach this goal. Adding a vitamin D supplement or consuming vitamin D-rich foods and beverages helps the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

Some medical conditions may require a different approach, but below is a guide for incorporating calcium in the diet of a child between the ages of 9 and 18 years old.

Calcium in Food

Aim to eat or drink 4 to 5 servings of calcium-containing foods a day, which could include:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Calcium and vitamin D, such as fortified orange juice
  • Almond milk
  • Cottage cheese
  • Calcium fortified cereals, granola bars and tofu
  • Vegetables, such as bok choy, kale, arugula, watercress, collard greens, broccoli and kidney beans
  • Nuts, particularly almonds, sesame and chia seeds

Calcium in Supplement Form

Supplements can be found in tablet, chewable, gummy forms, among others. It is important to find the one that works best for your young athlete.  To meet your daily calcium intake, young athletes can take 1300 mg of calcium from a daily supplement. It is best to have no more than 500 to 600 mg at a time for optimal absorption.

Calcium with Food and Supplement

Aim for half food and half supplement

  • Around 500 to 600 mg calcium with supplement
  • Around 800 mg calcium with food. Here are some examples:
  • One 5-ounce yogurt at breakfast (250 mg calcium)
  • Two slices of cheese on a sandwich (300 mg calcium)
  • ¼ cup almonds (about 23 almonds) in a snack (75 mg calcium)
  • Two cups fresh kale in a salad (180 mg)

These are general recommendations. If you have concerns about calcium intake for your young athletes, please speak with your physician, a sports medicine physician or a registered dietitian.

Call 469-515-7100 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chung or another sports medicine physician.

Fueling For Gymnastics: A Conversation with a Certified Sports Dietitian

Fueling For Gymnastics: A Conversation with a Certified Sports Dietitian

Gymnasts have unique fueling needs. From long training days to busy competition days, proper nutrition is key to meet their short- and long-term energy needs. Scottish Rite for Children hosted a webinar, featuring sports dietitian Taylor Morrison, M.S., R.D.N., CSSD, L.D., and sports medicine physician Jane S. Chung, M.D. From their multiple projects together, they shared valuable insights on fueling strategies for young gymnasts.


Common Signs of Underfueling

If a gymnast experiences any of these symptoms, nutrition could be a key factor:

  • Fatigue before practice ends
  • Dizziness during training
  • Recurring injuries, such as stress fractures
  • Difficulty building muscle
  • Plateau in skill progression
  • Increased anxiety or mood swings

With proper fueling, many of these issues can improve.


There are Four Key Areas of Gymnastics Nutrition

1. Building a Strong Nutrition Foundation
  • Aim for three meals and three snacks daily.
  • Each meal should contain at least three food groups.
  • Snacks should include two food groups.
  • Balance proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
2. Key Micronutrients for Performance

Certain micronutrients are critical for gymnasts:

  • Calcium supports bone strength and injury prevention. Good sources include dairy, leafy greens and almonds.
  • Vitamin D aids calcium absorption and bone health. It is found in salmon, eggs and fortified foods.
  • Iron helps prevent fatigue and supports oxygen transport.  Iron is found in lean meats, beans and spinach.


3. Energy Availability: Are You Eating Enough?

    Gymnasts need adequate daily calories to support training and growth.  Skipping meals or snacks can lead to low energy availability, affecting performance and recovery. If you are unsure on the number of calories that your young athlete needs, talk with your pediatrician, a sports medicine physician or a sports dietitian.


     4. Performance Nutrition Strategy

    Nutrition timing is key for training and competition days:

    • More than three hours before activity – A balanced meal with protein and complex carbs.
    • One to 1.5 hours before – Simple carbs for quick energy, such as fruit or yogurt.
    • 15 to 30 minutes before – Easily digestible carbs, such as applesauce or pretzels.
    • During long training sessions – Quick energy snacks, such as sports drinks or granola bars.
    • Post-training recovery – A mix of protein and carbs, such as chocolate milk, a smoothie or a sandwich.


    By building a strong nutrition foundation, prioritizing key nutrients, ensuring adequate energy intake and implementing a fueling strategy, gymnasts can optimize performance, prevent injuries and improve recovery.

    For more expert tips, watch the full webinar here.