Patient being evaluated in movement science lab

Jul 09, 2019 / Research & Innovation

Frisco's Movement Science Lab Welcomes Volunteers for Research Studies

The hospital’s movement science team plays a very important role in many of our pediatric orthopedic and sports medicine research projects. They also perform other studies that help improve the understanding of normal movement, movement with certain conditions and movement changes after a patient completes his or her treatment. 

We are always looking for healthy kids to take part in our studies. To analyze treatment outcomes, it is important to evaluate a group of healthy children who do not have any significant current or prior orthopedic conditions and to compare them to the patients who have had an injury or surgery. 

Ashley Erdman, B.S., a biomechanist in the Movement Science Lab at the Frisco campus, answered some commonly asked questions about how children can help with research projects in the lab.

Do they have to be a patient?
No, they do not! Anyone can participate as long as they pass a few screening questions. 

Are there age limits?
  • Our studies evaluate movement in children of all ages.
  • Currently, our studies focus on active children ages 8 to 25 years.
Why do you study young adults?
Though our studies are focused on children and adolescents, we follow these patients up to 10 years after their treatment. Therefore, we also study healthy young adults for comparison.

What kinds of activities would they perform?
Individuals will be invited to participate in different studies depending on their age, activity level and studies currently needing participants. Because the lab is evaluating movement, many of the studies will test a variety of activities that may include walking, squatting, jumping, leaping, running and other sport specific movements. For some studies, we take other measurements with different equipment.

How long would the visit last?
On average, the testing takes about an hour and half. Parents may be asked to remain on campus with the option to watch testing or take advantage of our playground for siblings.

What results would be shared?
As a participant in our research studies, information is compiled into a large dataset that consists of all kids that have done the same tasks. We do not report on individual outcomes, but rather the group as a whole.

Is there a fee?
No! As a research participant, whether you are a patient or volunteer for our research study, there is no fee to participate. 

Can I bring a friend or group?
Yes! Currently, the lab can handle formal testing for two to three participants simultaneously. If you want to bring a friend, we would need to speak to their parent or guardian and have them sign a consent form for the research study before they can participate. 

Please email or call 469-515-7160 to find out if your children are eligible to participate in a study. Ashley and our lab team also offer tours and educational information to groups including Girl Scouts, STEM programs and others interested in pursuing health care professions.

Watch this video to learn more about the Movement Science Lab in Frisco.

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