Apr 03, 2017 / Spotlight
Get to Know Our Staff: Taylor Fisher, Staff Wellness Director
Taylor Fisher is the director of our Staff Wellness Department and has been working at the hospital for about six years.
As part of her role, she is responsible for our annual Spring to Health program each April. Spring to Health is a month-long initiative that encourages staff to get active and healthy while having fun. The program features everything from games like Bocce Ball, to health screenings like eye exams, to Lunch & Learns on various health topics, to cooking demos and healthier options in the cafeteria.
Get to know Taylor in our Staff Spotlight below.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I love creating programs that give staff the resources and knowledge needed to live a healthier lifestyle both during and outside of work.
What I REALLY love is seeing someone make a commitment to live a healthier lifestyle, observe and help them, as needed, through the process and see their excitement and enthusiasm as they start to feel better and see positive results, realizing that their hard work is paying off. Having someone come up to me in the hall, my office or the cafeteria and seeing the excitement on their face as they tell me everything they have been doing and how good they feel, makes my week. It’s by far the best part of my job.
What’s your favorite thing about the hospital?
The Wellness program! Can I say that? I’m a bit biased. But I think it is really cool how the hospital supports Wellness and encourages it to be a part of the culture and the everyday here at work. It is not something you find everywhere.
I also love that [the hospital] feels small, allowing you to get to know others outside of your own department.
Describe a typical day
There is no typical day! My days and weeks are always a mix of…
- Brainstorming, developing and implementing new programs
- Finding ways to reach departments and people who Wellness has not been able to touch.
- Working with the Cafeteria on ways to add, alter and/or improve our Eat Rite options served.
- Talking with other wellness dietitians in the community about their programs, what works and what doesn’t, sharing ideas, troubleshooting, sharing research and articles.
- One-on-one nutrition consultations with staff
- Normal administrative items like answering emails, managing a budget, etc.
- Reading and staying current on nutrition, health, and wellness topics and research
What made you want to work here?
The feeling that I got when I walked in for my interview along with conversations I had and the greeting I received from everyone I spoke with. Everyone seemed to know everyone even if they were in very different departments. I loved that. And I was excited about the responsibilities I would have if hired.
What skills do you need for your job?
A degree in nutrition or health studies; background in the health and wellness field; organizational skills; writing skills; strategic thinking skills; people skills; flexibility (troubleshoot and think on your feet); creativity; and just a passion for health and wellness (not exactly a “skill” but definitely needed!)
What was your first job? What path did you take to get here?
Do paid internships count? I worked for the Dannon yogurt company in college, analyzing the nutritionals and ingredients of their yogurts, to get food and nutrition hours and experience for my Dietetic Internship.
After undergrad I got into the dual Masters and Dietetic Internship program at the University of Memphis. After Grad School/Internship I worked at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital (in Memphis) and also worked as the dietitian for a small community adult Wellness program through Baylor University Medical Center (in Memphis). After about a year and a half I knew I wanted to move back to Texas. I saw a job posted on the Dallas Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics website for a dietitian at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. I applied, interviewed and about a month later moved to Dallas!
What is your favorite…
- Hospital event: Clean Fest (again I’m a bit biased) – I love taking time to be outside with coworkers and plant flowers – something that you will see the next day and the next. And then enjoy the cookout afterwards. And I also love Treasure Street!
- Food in the cafeteria: Can I say the Eat Rite healthy options? And they make a mean chocolate mousse cake (because it’s all about balance, right?)
- Place in the hospital: The Fitness Center!
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Definitely the ability to fly.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
An Olympic Figure Skater (I competitively figure skated for 12 years)
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Last summer I hiked and swam the Arroyo Seco River Gorge – turned out to be much more of an adventure than anticipated!
What’s the last book you read?
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
But currently I’m finishing Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist
What is something people don’t know about you?
I know a lot of Rock & Roll oldies. Love ‘em.