Nhu by fracture clinic desk

Jul 27, 2021 / Spotlight

Get to Know our Staff: Nhu Mai, Patient Access

What is your job title/your role at Scottish Rite for Children?  
I work in the Fracture Clinic as a patient access representative.

What do you do on a daily basis or what sort of duties do you have at work? 
In the Fracture Clinic, we constantly see kids with different types of fractures. It still amazes me to see how resilient our patients are, especially the little ones. My day consists of helping families with scheduling, registration, check in/check out, verifying insurance and providing them with the basic information about the Fracture Clinic and Scottish Rite.  

What was your first job? What path did you take to get here or what led you to Scottish Rite? How long have you worked here?
My first job was working as a waitress. 

I’ve always been intrigued with how the United States health care system operates. As I was finishing my college degree, I decided that the best way to learn about healthcare would be to start at the beginning of care, from those who are the first contact between a patient and their healthcare provider and set the stage for a patient’s experience. I have always loved the fact that at Scottish Rite, patients can still receive treatment, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. As soon as I saw that Scottish Rite was hiring for this position, I applied right away. I have now been here for more than three years. 

What do you enjoy most about Scottish Rite?
I love that everyone here is very supportive, always willing to help you learn and grow, and everyone wants to see you succeed in life. 

What energizes you outside of work?
Currently, it is training my puppy and taking her for walks or to the dog park. Apart from that, I love to clean. I sometimes feel stressed while cleaning, but it’s so worth it at the end!!!

What’s your favorite memory?
My little sister and I are horror movies fans. When we were younger, we were not allowed to watch horror movies. We would wait until our parents went to sleep, and we would then watch them in the dark, hiding under our blankets. We kept the TV on mute or had the volume on low because we were afraid our parents would find out. It was always super fun and cozy, especially in the winter.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an introvert. But I love to meet new people and get to know them. With the right people, I will be talking nonstop. 

What kind of music do you like? What’s the best concert you’ve been to?
I honestly don’t have a favorite music genre. I listen to music mostly based on how I feel at the time. The only concert that I’ve been to is my high school concert, where we did a “Grease” night. I even performed, and not only did we sing, but we also did the hand jive, shimmy and all. 

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?
Egypt. I’ve always been curious about their ancient history. I want to see those pyramids in person and learn more about modern Egypt. 

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