Oct 18, 2018 / Research & Innovation
Research Team Attends the Society of Clinical Research’s 27th Annual 2018 Conference
Two research team members attended the Society of Clinical Research’s 27th Annual 2018 Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana on September 27-30, 2018. The conference focuses on the current best practices, resources, training and regulation within the field of Clinical Research. The program consists of more than 100 academic related sessions, a clinical science and research management poster session and sponsored exhibit booths. Terri Beckwith, the Team Lead for Hand and Hip Clinical Research, presented a poster featuring the long term functional follow up on a group of patients who underwent a tricepsplasty surgery and how these patients compared in happiness and discomfort to their peers. Meghan Wassell, the Ilizarov Research Associate, shared a poster comparing post-operative techniques to measure limb lengthening frames. Both projects generated great discussions and gave the team members opportunities to network and facilitate connection with other clinical researchers within the field. As both are professionally certified by SoCRA, the conference allows attendees to maintain their continuing education credentials and uphold a commitment to professional excellence and application of ethical research.