Audrey and Ray on exam table

Jul 23, 2019 / Fractures

Share Your Story: Bouncing Back

Meet Audrey, a Fracture Clinic patient. Learn more about her journey to recovery below.

Blog written by Audrey, of Richardson. 

Hi! My name is Audrey, I am 10 years old and I have been to the Fracture Clinic at Scottish Rite Hospital's Frisco campus twice!
I received a pogo stick for Christmas and it was so much fun... at least for a couple of hours. I loved hopping around and trying to do tricks. I even had so much fun that when I was bouncing, I fell and hurt my ankle. Merry Christmas to me. It hurt to walk, and I kept limping around. First, my mom said that I was fine, but then when it kept hurting, she took me to the Fracture Clinic. I loved the bright colors and most of all – the popcorn! They did X-rays, examined it and told me that I had sprained my ankle. They gave me a brace to wear and the physical therapist showed me exercises to do at home. She said I needed to do my exercises every day!
I worked on my exercises, just like she showed me – even twice a day! Soccer season was about to start, and I wanted to be all better, so I was able to play. But then, I got hurt again. This time, I was roller skating and I slipped and fell. 
As soon as I went down, I knew something was wrong. I fell on the same side that had just started to feel better! This time, it hurt in a different spot – the bottom of my leg.  My mom took me back to the Frisco campus and we saw Mr. Ray. After they did X-rays, they told me that I had broken my fibula on the same leg of my injured ankle. Talk about bad luck!  
They gave me a walking boot and I even used crutches for a little bit. The crutches were kind of fun and I got to be really good (and fast) on them. I wasn’t able to start the soccer season with my team, so I ended up being a coach’s helper. 
After about six weeks in the boot, I went back to see Mr. Ray. My leg was almost all better and I was so excited. To help make the muscles strong again, the physical therapist gave me some more exercises to do at home. I kept asking Mr. Ray about all of the things I could and could not do while I was working on getting stronger. He told me not to do anything that involved a ball, a bar, a wheel, a spring, a mat, running or jumping. Lucky for me, I was still able to kayak on my spring break trip to the lake. Plus, my mom got to carry my kayak for me. 
I finished doing all of my physical therapy and my ankle and leg are feeling much better. I was even able to join my soccer team for the end of the season. I know that if I get hurt again, I want to go back to Scottish Rite! 



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