Oct 18, 2018 / Hand Conditions

Transforming through Educational and Research Excellence

Two of the Hand team providers attended and presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Arthrogryposis, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 24-26, 2018. Dr. Scott Oishi presented on arthrogrypotic patients who received a surgical procedure called a dorsal carpal wedge osteotomy to help with wrist movement. One of the risks of this surgery is a flexion, or bending, deformity and a repeat of the same type of surgery is not an option, however, another secondary option may be a surgery called a growth modulation. By reviewing previous patients and current patients with this condition, the hand team found that the patients who had a growth modulation surgery had significant improvement in their resting wrist position and maintained improved range of motion. The hand team will continue to follow patients to gather more information about the extended long-term results.

Dr. Chris Stutz presented and elaborated on the surgical techniques used to improve elbow function in arthrogrypotic patients. The hand research team reviewed and analyzed medical records of patients who had tricepsplasty and elbow release surgery as part of their treatment for arthrogryposis. The team found that these patients had significant improvements in their hand to mouth reach and elbow motion. Also, these improvements appeared to be maintained over time, which appears to promote better functioning in day to day activities.
Currently, the orthopedic research department is in the beginning works to create a registry for arthrogryposis patients.  The providers from all divisions hope to collaborate and learn as much as they can about this population to provide the best approach to care.

To learn more about the hospital’s hand research, please click here.  


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