Sep 06, 2019 / Research & Innovation

Wise Presents Latest Research at International Meeting

This week, staff from the hospital’s genetics research team is in Stockholm, Sweden attending the International Consortium for Spinal Genetics, Development, and Disease (ICSGDD). In its third year, this specialized group began a number of years ago as two separate organizations that combined forces in order to synergize efforts.  

This year, the three-day conference is hosted by the Karolinska Institute and includes diverse presenters and Wise-2.jpegfaculty from across the world who study clinical, genetic and developmental aspects of spine disorders . The hospital’s Director of Molecular Genetics and Basic Science Carol Wise, Ph.D., is a co-founder and leader of this group. As a moderator and presenter at this year’s meeting, Wise is sharing her latest research – Understanding Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Forward and Reverse Genetics. This project applies modern genomic technologies to identify and understand the genetic causes of idiopathic scoliosis, the most common spinal deformity in children.

“At Scottish Rite Hospital, we are pleased to have the opportunity to travel internationally to share our research,” says Wise. “ICSGDD is special. In just three years, we have made great strides in furthering collaborative research to better understand the complexities that come along with scoliosis. I am honored to represent the hospital and work alongside some of the top experts in the field.”

Learn more about the hospital’s Sarah M. & Charles E. Seay Center for Musculoskeletal Research. 

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