Robert L. Walker and patient Beau

May 05, 2022 / General News

Letter from the President: Unstoppable Courage

This update from President/CEO Robert L. Walker was previously published in Rite Up, 2022 – Issue 1. 
Facing challenges head-on can be difficult. We have all experienced this in our work and home life and especially in our communities with the pandemic. An undeniable characteristic of Scottish Rite for Children throughout its history is resiliency. An interesting thing to note about this trait is that you do not know how resilient you are until facing something difficult.
We see resiliency play out daily in the actions of our staff, volunteers, friends and, most remarkably, in our patients and their families. As adversity affects each of us, how we respond shows our true spirit, and in many instances, we witness unstoppable courage.
A perfect example of a resilient spirit is 9-year-old Beau, referred to Scottish Rite for Children from the Houston area. Beau faces challenges head-on with a positive attitude that is both inspiring and contagious. He spread love and a joyful spirit as he made the rounds on Valentine’s Day in a lit-up wheelchair decorated with hearts and wearing a “Just Call Me Cupid” T-shirt! Our greatest rewards are seeing a child’s face light up and the parent’s eyes fill with happy tears when something that once seemed insurmountable becomes achievable. That’s the heart of it all. Never give up. Just keep charging ahead, doing good work for those who need you.
This Special Edition Rite Up celebrates our long history of providing excellent care for children. Beau represents the nearly 350,000 children with challenges, from simple to complex, that have found their answers and one-of-a-kind care at Scottish Rite for Children.
Physicians, surgeons, nurses, therapists and so many more commit every day to advancing their knowledge and understanding of these conditions to find the best treatments for our patients to feel better, grow stronger and inspire others.
We are grateful for each and every one of you who believes in our mission. Everyone connected to our organization has contributed to our phenomenal patient care, groundbreaking research and exceptional education for medical professionals around the world. We look forward to the future and feel honored to be a part of an amazing place of hope and healing.

Read the full issue.

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